Malaysia EMGS Photo App

Malaysia's high-quality education system and affordable cost of living make it an attractive destination for international students. To stay in the country to study, you will need to obtain a Malaysia multiple-entry student visa — Student Pass.

In this article, we will walk you through the process of obtaining your Malaysia student visa and taking the ideal student pass photo to ensure that you're ready for this exciting journey.

Table of contents:

How to Apply for Malaysian Student Visa (“Student Pass”) via EMGS Portal?

To apply for the Malaysian Student Pass online via the EMGS website, please follow the simple instructions below:

You can track your application status on the EMGS website or, for easier access, download the mobile app to receive updates on the status of your application.

Documents Required for Malaysian Student Visa Application

Here is the list of documents you need to apply for a Malaysian Student Visa:

Instantly Take a Compliant EMGS Photo With Phone!

7ID App: Malaysian EMGS Photo Maker
7ID App: Malaysian EMGS Photo Size
7ID App: Malaysian EMGS Photo Example

7ID Photo Editor allows you to take your Malaysia student pass photo using only your smartphone.

Save your time and money and create a high-quality EMGS photo at home. You can also take as many photos as you want until you are satisfied with the result.

To get the best student pass photo, follow these EMGS photo guidelines:

The 7ID app is available for Android or iOS.

EMGS Photo Requirements Checklist

Your photo for the EMGS application must meet the following Malaysia visa photo requirements:

How to Attach a Photo to Your EMGS Application?

7ID will provide you with a Malaysia student pass photo template in two formats: digital and print.

When filling out your EMGS application, simply upload the photo file, provided by 7ID. After uploading, your photo will appear on the screen.

Once you have completed your application, submit it.

EMGS Photo Checker Doesn’t Work: What to Do

Sometimes the EMGS Photo Checker can give inaccurate error messages, such as claiming that the photo doesn't show skin tones accurately, even when using EMGS's own examples. If this happens, don't worry. This is a known issue, and usually, the photo will still be accepted.

Good luck with your Malaysian student visa application!

Download the 7ID app now for Android or iOS.

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These QR codes were generated by 7ID application itself
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